Effective Odour Control Solutions

Our solutions meet the three conditions indispensable for effective odour control

01. Treatment Plant

Our engineered fit-for-purpose treatment plants are designed to effectively capture and treat odorous gasses, ensuring that emissions are treated before being released into the atmosphere.

02. Foul Air Conveyance

We have extensive experience in designing and installing energy-efficient and balanced ducting networks, ensuring total odour control.

03. Odour Source Covers

Our source covers are built and installed to withstand the harshest of conditions, providing long-lasting protection against corrosion and degradation.

Treatment Technology Selection

Selecting the right treatment technology depends on a sound understanding of the odour source details, available technologies and selection criteria.

Odour Source Details
Available Technologies
Selection Criteria

odour source details

The type of odour source will impact the design of the treatment plant, ducting network and odour source covers.


  • Refuse Handling
  • Wastewater


  • Food
  • Chemicals
  • Petro-Chemicals


  • Pump Stations
  • Wastewater Treatment Plants
  • Inlet Works
  • Sludge Processing

Available technologies

With a wide range of odour control technologies available, including biological, chemical and physical systems, we can guide you toward the most suitable option.


  • Bio-Trickling filtration
  • Biofiltration
  • Dual Stage Biofiltration


  • Wet Scrubbing
  • Gas Phase Filtration


  • Carbon Adsorbtion
  • Photo-Ionisation

Selection Criteria

We ensure that your odour control system is not only effective but also cost-efficient in the long run, by considering various factors:

See some of our systems.

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