Our dry scrubbers trap odours on/in solid porous media in a 3-stage process. In the first stage H₂S reacts with ferric oxide. Remaining odours (organic sulphur compounds and others) are then oxidised in a secondary stage with stabilised chlorine dioxide. Traces of residual odours are finally removed with activated carbon. The media is housed in multi-chambered vessels fabricated from corrosion resistant polypropylene materials.

Each dual chambered vessel consists of an inlet chamber, lower air diffusion plate, lower oxidising media chamber, middle air neutral diffusion media, upper polishing media chamber and clean air outlet vent. The system is completed by interconnecting ductwork, flow balancing valves and air extracting fans. The extraction fan creates a partial vacuum via connecting ductwork to a covered odour source to avoid odour leakage. Foul air is pulled into the inlet chamber and diffused via the lower diffuser, which is designed to maximise its distribution across the surface of the media. The air is then drawn upwards through the oxidising chamber, which houses three media types.


Vessels are fabricated from polypropylene. Vessels are corrosion resistant and designed for a 20-year lifespan. All other components are manufactured from either 316 Stainless Steel or plastic to ensure corrosion resistance.


Iron oxide is used as a primary treatment to remove the bulk of H₂S. The second stage media is chlorine dioxide which instantly oxidises a broad spectrum of odours followed by activated carbon to remove traces of any remaining odours. Sulphides are oxidised to sulphates, mercaptans to sulphates and sulphonic acids and amines to carboxylic acids. The products of the reactions are odourless and environmentally sound. No chlorinated organics are formed.


There are no complicated control systems or sensors. PLC operation is not required. Airflow is set and locked at time of commissioning.


Of all odour control plants dry scrubbers require the least maintenance. Systems are designed for media to last 3 years and fans must be replaced every 5 years. There are no moving/electrical components other than the fan.


Flexible and sometimes modular design allows for housing media in cylindrical or rectangular vessels to suit customer preferences and site conditions.


Simple fan on/off operation is standard.


No water usage, zero effluent and minimum energy requirements make this the most environment-friendly odour control system. Spent media can be used as compost.


Designed and manufactured (locally) in collaboration with our local and international technology partners.

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